The Freudenberg Foundation
Right from the start it has campaigned for a strong democratic civil society. In Germany, in Southeast Europe and now also in the USA.
We put our trust in the strength of civil society. We believe that it can make the world a more democratic place without any groupings’ being ostracized. The Freudenberg Foundation supports non-profit organizations which have the potential to further social cohesion and democratic culture on a lasting basis. It cooperates with political and government institutions to improve inclusivity and diversity in state structures.
The yardstick of success is whether in the regions where the foundation is meaningfully involved democracy-boosting forces continue to flourish, and upward mobility through education is possible irrespective of a person’s social origins.
The world is currently mired in various interrelated crises. The war in Ukraine is highlighting the global vulnerability of democratic states and the demise of the belief that free trade will guarantee peace. Authoritarian systems are gaining ground. In Germany, inflation and shortcomings in the sustainable energy policy are providing footholds which populist right-wing and anti-democratic movements can exploit to stir up fear and disaffection with democracy in mainstream society.
At the same time, stakeholders are showing greater creativity and problem-solving skills as they trial new small-scale solutions which then serve as blueprints for solving problems on a larger scale. As an independent civil society organization, the Freudenberg Foundation therefore promotes sophisticated approaches which aim to strengthen social inclusion and democratic culture on a lasting basis.