Social Inclusion
We contribute to the creation of a just society in which all children and young people have good educational opportunities - regardless of their background or the region they live in. Our goal is for all people to be able to develop their potential for the benefit of society and themselves.

"Smart Cities" research project, RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

Taking Hoyerswerda as an example, the research project’s goal is to examine the contribution that municipal coordination can make in the field of education towards strengthening local democracies.
The concept of municipal coordination stands for cross-departmental assumption of responsibility and for networking all of a community’s protagonists who are involved in a certain field of work. Originally conceived in regard to the transition from school to the workplace environment, municipal coordination can make a meaningful contribution throughout the educational system, and in other fields as well, towards using the local skills, expertise and more

Jens Leschner
Deputy Managing Director

In times of tight budgets, voluntary municipal tasks are quickly in the focus of potential savings and often neglect the importance for social cohesion or democratic culture. To be able to fall back on a robust scientific expertise on effectiveness in this process is one of the objectives of the project.

"Smart Cities" research project, RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

Taking Hoyerswerda as an example, the research project’s goal is to examine the contribution that municipal coordination can make in the field of education towards strengthening local democracies.
The concept of municipal coordination stands for cross-departmental assumption of responsibility and for networking all of a community’s protagonists who are involved in a certain field of work. Originally conceived in regard to the transition from school to the workplace environment, municipal coordination can make a meaningful contribution throughout the educational system, and in other fields as well, towards using the local skills, expertise and resources to optimum effect and to strengthen democratic participation.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the research project, in order to obtain some facts on what approaches are suitable for lastingly strengthening democratic structures and equitable educational opportunities in municipalities.

Education Coordination Center, RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

The Education Coordination Center of the RAA in Hoyerswerda/East Saxony networks and synergizes all the local projects, institutions and sponsors involved in education, in order to improve the quality of the district’s system as a whole.
The Coordination Center functions as a network node for support and mutual feedback, responds flexibly to perceived needs, and initiates change processes. In working groups and joint activities, the schools are networked with each other. The Coordination Center also provides crucial assistance in developing the new secondary school in Hoyerswerda. The Freudenberg Foundation has supported the Education Coordination Center in Hoyerswerda right from the more

Evelyn Scholz
Managing Director

For us, local coordination means working on the perspectives of each individual, together with everyone involved in education!

Education Coordination Center, RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

The Education Coordination Center of the RAA in Hoyerswerda/East Saxony networks and synergizes all the local projects, institutions and sponsors involved in education, in order to improve the quality of the district’s system as a whole.
The Coordination Center functions as a network node for support and mutual feedback, responds flexibly to perceived needs, and initiates change processes. In working groups and joint activities, the schools are networked with each other. The Coordination Center also provides crucial assistance in developing the new secondary school in Hoyerswerda.

The Freudenberg Foundation has supported the Education Coordination Center in Hoyerswerda right from the start, since a local education portfolio can take meaningful effect only in civil-societal/municipal collaboration, and not in institutional solo efforts.

Federal Working Group of the RAAs

The Federal Working Group of the RAAs is a self-organized forum of the Regional Centers for substantive mutual feedback and cooperation within the network.
Its principal focuses are on mutual empirical feedback, advanced training, the trialing of model projects and the establishment of substantive standards in the fields of education and social inclusion. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Federal Working Group of the RAAs, so that the Regional Centers can synergize and jointly progress their competences and expertise in their supra-regional remits. more

Katja Kinder
Managing Director RAA Berlin

The Federal Working Group (BAG) of the Regional Center for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA) constitutes a framework for supra-regional mutual feedback and work coordination, serving to discuss and update the specific regional conditions and approaches adopted for our work aimed at strengthening educational fairness. In this context, we pay explicit attention to multi-perspectivism / richness in perspectives and develop common strategies to increase equitable social participation for everyone, so everyone can proactively help to shape our democratic society. The Federal Working Group is an important place for getting together, a shared space where we engage in constructive discussions, reflect on each other’s work and approaches, and jointly explore our options for action. This place thus promotes the process of fine-tuning our capacity for action and our coping skills, especially as communication, i.e. mutual feedback, and shared action give us more confidence in our everyday work. We are a network whose members can be relied upon to support each other, a network that stands for educational fairness.

Federal Working Group of the RAAs

The Federal Working Group of the RAAs is a self-organized forum of the Regional Centers for substantive mutual feedback and cooperation within the network.
Its principal focuses are on mutual empirical feedback, advanced training, the trialing of model projects and the establishment of substantive standards in the fields of education and social inclusion.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Federal Working Group of the RAAs, so that the Regional Centers can synergize and jointly progress their competences and expertise in their supra-regional remits.

Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation

The Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation offers people with a Romno background, irrespective of their nationality, a platform and contact point for acquiring additional skills, organizing themselves, and getting involved in society.
The foundation’s work subsumes public relations and political information provision on the history and culture of the Sinti and Roma, professionalization and networking of the communities concerned, plus educational support and counseling for individuals with a Romno background. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation, in order to strengthen the institutional participation and the individual educational opportunities of more

Alexander Diepold
Managing Director

Equitable participation in society is the right of all people to free development of their talents and abilities, the right to security and the right to be a recognized part of this society, irrespective of their origins, their ethnicity, their religion, the color of their skin or their gender identity. The HLS embraces its obligation to help secure these fundamental rights, particularly in enabling the Sinti and Roma living in Germany to enjoy equal access to all significant life-enhancing values.

Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation

The Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation offers people with a Romno background, irrespective of their nationality, a platform and contact point for acquiring additional skills, organizing themselves, and getting involved in society.
The foundation’s work subsumes public relations and political information provision on the history and culture of the Sinti and Roma, professionalization and networking of the communities concerned, plus educational support and counseling for individuals with a Romno background.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation, in order to strengthen the institutional participation and the individual educational opportunities of Sinti and Roma, without producing new exclusions.

Integration Central

Integration Central aims to enable all children and young people in Weinheim to achieve smoothly successful transitions, from the child day care centers all the way through to a first job.
For this purpose, Integration Central works closely together with educational institutions, and involves the parents of the children and young people in the programs for both language training and career counseling. Educational mentors integrated into the school’s everyday routine support children and young people at primary and secondary schools to suit the requirements of the individual involved. The Freudenberg Foundation supports Integration more

Sabine Michael
General Manager

Our excellent staff as the “Weinheim Educational Chain”, plus motivation and passion, develop best when we repeatedly adopt the perspective of very specific children and young people. When we repeatedly ask direct questions of the children and young people concerned, follow up on them, build relationships, learn to attentively perceive.

Integration Central

Integration Central aims to enable all children and young people in Weinheim to achieve smoothly successful transitions, from the child day care centers all the way through to a first job.
For this purpose, Integration Central works closely together with educational institutions, and involves the parents of the children and young people in the programs for both language training and career counseling. Educational mentors integrated into the school’s everyday routine support children and young people at primary and secondary schools to suit the requirements of the individual involved.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports Integration Central, so as to promote biographically concurrent and socially inclusive educational support in conjunction with the municipal authorities and civil society at the location concerned.

Job Central

Job Central is a specialized agency for counseling and supporting young people who are transitioning from the school to the workplace environment; in and around Weinheim, it conceives and implements measures for career advice at mainstream and vocational schools.
One major focus is the approach of individualized support for young people with educational and/or social problems. Job Central has progressed this approach specifically for the needs of young people with a refugee background and for the curriculum of Baden-Württemberg’s model educational path in preparation for vocational training (AVdual). The Freudenberg Foundation supports Job Central, so that in a municipal/civil-societal partnership exemplary more

Jürgen Ripplinger
Managing Director

Job Central e.V. – the regional youth agency opens up new prospects for teenagers and young adults.

Job Central

Job Central is a specialized agency for counseling and supporting young people who are transitioning from the school to the workplace environment; in and around Weinheim, it conceives and implements measures for career advice at mainstream and vocational schools.
One major focus is the approach of individualized support for young people with educational and/or social problems. Job Central has progressed this approach specifically for the needs of young people with a refugee background and for the curriculum of Baden-Württemberg’s model educational path in preparation for vocational training (AVdual).

The Freudenberg Foundation supports Job Central, so that in a municipal/civil-societal partnership exemplary paths from the school to a job can be trialed and consolidated.

Kiseljak Regional Model, Tuzla Community Foundation

The Tuzla Community Foundation (Bosnia) aims to put in place a fully functional economic and social community in the structurally very weak district of Kiseljak.
Among the crucial elements of the project work is the local primary school, which by introducing Roma-school mediation and setting up a Pedagogic Workshop aims to meet the educational needs of their mostly very poor children. Moreover, in close collaboration with the local Roma organizations, a community center for economic and social initiatives has been built. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Kiseljak Regional Model, so as to trial the more

Sabina Sinanović Ćatibušić
Program Coordinator

Individuals with equal access to all community resources can take control of their own lives and thus become a genuine part of inclusive community development.

Kiseljak Regional Model, Tuzla Community Foundation

The Tuzla Community Foundation (Bosnia) aims to put in place a fully functional economic and social community in the structurally very weak district of Kiseljak.
Among the crucial elements of the project work is the local primary school, which by introducing Roma-school mediation and setting up a Pedagogic Workshop aims to meet the educational needs of their mostly very poor children. Moreover, in close collaboration with the local Roma organizations, a community center for economic and social initiatives has been built.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Kiseljak Regional Model, so as to trial the example of a holistic development approach for a highly marginalized district in Tuzla, enabling it to be extended to other contexts.

km2 of Education Berlin-Moabit, Berlin-Mitte district

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Berlin-Moabit, the aim now is to further strengthen language training and family education in the district of Berlin-Mitte. The focus here is on implementing the Rucksack program at elementary schools and child day care centers and on ensuring that language-training networks are being more widely adopted.
The Berlin-Central District Authority, the Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Family, the Regional Agency for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA) Berlin and the Freudenberg Foundation have concluded a cooperation agreement for this purpose. With the principal focus on the fields of consistent language training, multilingual skills, cooperation with parents and the modalities of transitions, they are currently providing counseling and more

Tülay Bozdag

Through many years of implementing the Rucksack program, the cooperation between families and educational institutions has improved significantly. In the Rucksack group, parents are there for each other. In turn, the educational professionals value the competencies of the parents and understand the importance of the family language in the children's language development.

km2 of Education Berlin-Moabit, Berlin-Mitte district

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Berlin-Moabit, the aim now is to further strengthen language training and family education in the district of Berlin-Mitte. The focus here is on implementing the Rucksack program at elementary schools and child day care centers and on ensuring that language-training networks are being more widely adopted.
The Berlin-Central District Authority, the Senate Administration for Education, Youth and Family, the Regional Agency for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA) Berlin and the Freudenberg Foundation have concluded a cooperation agreement for this purpose. With the principal focus on the fields of consistent language training, multilingual skills, cooperation with parents and the modalities of transitions, they are currently providing counseling and support for the families from three elementary schools and one child day care center in the district.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting the transfer of km2 of Education Berlin-Moabit, so as to make contemporary, inclusion-driven education a lasting success for our migration society, especially in socially disadvantaged districts.

km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln, campus education squared

After the program of One Square Kilometer of Education in Berlin-Neukölln had ended, the aim of the consolidation phase is to transfer essential elements of the educational network like the Pedagogic Workshop into the mainstream structures, so as to enable children and young people in socially disadvantaged environments to continue to achieve successful educational biographies.
km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln focused particularly on successful transitions from the child day care center to the primary school, then to the secondary school, on a supportive learning environment, curriculum development and on extracurricular options for the pupils of the Campus Rütli that complemented the lessons. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the consolidation of km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln because the program’s approach of more

Silvia Ploner
Director Pedagogic Workshop

As a development platform, we network and support those in daycare centers, schools and youth facilities in the district who have the potential to solve their own problems. These are leaders, educators, but also parents and volunteers with visions of what good education for all looks like.

km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln, campus education squared

After the program of One Square Kilometer of Education in Berlin-Neukölln had ended, the aim of the consolidation phase is to transfer essential elements of the educational network like the Pedagogic Workshop into the mainstream structures, so as to enable children and young people in socially disadvantaged environments to continue to achieve successful educational biographies.
km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln focused particularly on successful transitions from the child day care center to the primary school, then to the secondary school, on a supportive learning environment, curriculum development and on extracurricular options for the pupils of the Campus Rütli that complemented the lessons.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the consolidation of km2 of Education in Berlin-Neukölln because the program’s approach of harnessing existing potential and individual educational processes has been vindicated.

km2 of Education in Bernsdorf, RAA Saxony

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Bernsdorf, the aim of the transfer and stabilization phase is to continue and further develop central components of the program and to transfer them to surrounding communities.
The Pedagogic Workshop remains the hub for this. The focus is on networking of educational institutions with the community, individual support, transitional organization and the qualification of volunteers, parents and education specialists. With km2 of Education in Bernsdorf, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model to provide all children with a forward-looking education in a region marked by upheaval. more

Anika Noack
Director Pedagogic Workshop

The task of the learning environment is not to shape the children, but to allow them to reveal themselves. (Maria Montessori)

km2 of Education in Bernsdorf, RAA Saxony

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Bernsdorf, the aim of the transfer and stabilization phase is to continue and further develop central components of the program and to transfer them to surrounding communities.
The Pedagogic Workshop remains the hub for this. The focus is on networking of educational institutions with the community, individual support, transitional organization and the qualification of volunteers, parents and education specialists.

With km2 of Education in Bernsdorf, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model to provide all children with a forward-looking education in a region marked by upheaval.

km2 of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel, Community Foundation Brandenburg a. d. Havel

One Square Kilometer of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions that enables children to pursue individually successful educational biographies attuned to local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as the nodal hub.
One Square Kilometer of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel focuses on countering the educational disadvantages of children, young people, and their families in an urban district severely affected by poverty. For this purpose, key persons from the education institutions are networked, for example, parents are activated, and other appropriate measures are developed. With km2 of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel, the Freudenberg Foundation is more

Sabrina Kremzow
Director Pedagogic Workshop

We want to offer children and adolescents a learning environment in which they can gain a wide range of experience so that they are empowered to make a self-determined choice for or against something.

km2 of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel, Community Foundation Brandenburg a. d. Havel

One Square Kilometer of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions that enables children to pursue individually successful educational biographies attuned to local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as the nodal hub.
One Square Kilometer of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel focuses on countering the educational disadvantages of children, young people, and their families in an urban district severely affected by poverty. For this purpose, key persons from the education institutions are networked, for example, parents are activated, and other appropriate measures are developed.

With km2 of Education in Brandenburg a. d. Havel, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model designed as a long-term counter to social segregation and insufficient social participation, particularly in large housing estates in the east of Germany.

km2 of Education in Dortmund,

One Square Kilometer of Education in Dortmund is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One Square Kilometer of Education in Dortmund focuses on early and coherently coordinated language-learning with the involvement of the parents, from the child day care center to the primary school. The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Dortmund as a local model, so as to reduce linguistically entailed educational disadvantages together with parents and educational institutions as early as possible. more

Sigrid Hagedorn
Project Manager

The Pedagogic Workshop provides protagonists at different formal and informal educational institutions with scope for strengthening the efficacy of networking and initiating specific cooperative projects. Thanks to this local educational alliance, individual scholastic success for the district’s children and young people is supported.

km2 of Education in Dortmund,

One Square Kilometer of Education in Dortmund is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One Square Kilometer of Education in Dortmund focuses on early and coherently coordinated language-learning with the involvement of the parents, from the child day care center to the primary school.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Dortmund as a local model, so as to reduce linguistically entailed educational disadvantages together with parents and educational institutions as early as possible.

km2 of Education in Fürstenwalde, RAA Brandenburg

One Square Kilometer of Education in Fürstenwalde is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One of the priorities of One Square Kilometer of Education in Fürstenwalde is strengthening the local educational structures; it is also involved in numerous measures for quality assurance in schools. Another operational priority is the modalities of educational transitions. The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Fürstenwalde as a local model, so as to strengthen the structural preconditions of schools and child day care centers for more

Mia Zickerow-Grund
Director Pedagogic Workshop

Integration can succeed only as a partnership of equals! We encourage children, parents and teachers in educational institutions to engage fruitfully with each other.

km2 of Education in Fürstenwalde, RAA Brandenburg

One Square Kilometer of Education in Fürstenwalde is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One of the priorities of One Square Kilometer of Education in Fürstenwalde is strengthening the local educational structures; it is also involved in numerous measures for quality assurance in schools. Another operational priority is the modalities of educational transitions.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Fürstenwalde as a local model, so as to strengthen the structural preconditions of schools and child day care centers for high-quality, inclusive education.

km2 of Education in Herten, Herten Community Foundation

One Square Kilometer of Education in Herten is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
Started in 2009 in Herten-Süd, km2 Herten has now been established at all eight elementary schools in the city. The focal points of the Pedagogic Workshops is on early support for children, competence development in the natural sciences, family support as well as extracurricular leisure and vacation activities. With km2 of Education in Herten, the Freudenberg Foundation supports a local model to build a strong a communal network for good education for more

Ulrike Prinz
Project Manager

By putting local networks in place, hitherto unused resources are activated for career-boosting developmental support of children and young people, and synergetic effects initiated in the training matrix, contributing towards improving individual training opportunities.

km2 of Education in Herten, Herten Community Foundation

One Square Kilometer of Education in Herten is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
Started in 2009 in Herten-Süd, km2 Herten has now been established at all eight elementary schools in the city. The focal points of the Pedagogic Workshops is on early support for children, competence development in the natural sciences, family support as well as extracurricular leisure and vacation activities.

With km2 of Education in Herten, the Freudenberg Foundation supports a local model to build a strong a communal network for good education for all children in a diverse environment.

km2 of Education in Hoyerswerda, RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Hoyerswerda, the aim of the continuation phase is to continue central components of the program. A citywide transfer of the approaches is underway through the local education coordination.
The emphasis is on the transition from daycare to elementary school, individual language, reading and learning support, parental work and the establishment of cooperation between daycare centers and schools throughout the city. With km2 of Education in Hoyerswerda, and hand in hand with the municipality, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model in a city undergoing structural change to enable all children to have good prospects for more

Luisa Partusch
Director Pedagogic Workshop

We identify a vast array of resources in the social environment, which we then interlink, coordinate, upgrade and refine, so as to provide all children with optimum educational opportunities.

km2 of Education in Hoyerswerda, RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Hoyerswerda, the aim of the continuation phase is to continue central components of the program. A citywide transfer of the approaches is underway through the local education coordination.
The emphasis is on the transition from daycare to elementary school, individual language, reading and learning support, parental work and the establishment of cooperation between daycare centers and schools throughout the city.

With km2 of Education in Hoyerswerda, and hand in hand with the municipality, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model in a city undergoing structural change to enable all children to have good prospects for tomorrow.

km2 of Education in Neubrandenburg, RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

One Square Kilometer of Education in Neubrandenburg is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One major priority embraced by One Square Kilometer of Education in Neubrandenburg is designing the transitions between child day care centers, primary and secondary schools, and strengthening language skills. The work of the Pedagogic Workshop focuses here primarily on supporting the educational specialists and teachers involved. The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Neubrandenburg as a local model, so as to enable educationalists more

Thomas Evers
Director Pedagogic Workshop

We won’t be able to change or fundamentally influence the challenges in the district. But our network can definitely contribute towards directing shared, benevolent and long-term attention to the educational biographies of the children and young people in the Oststadt district.

km2 of Education in Neubrandenburg, RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

One Square Kilometer of Education in Neubrandenburg is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions, which enables children to achieve individually successful educational biographies, on the basis of local needs and with the Pedagogic Workshop as a nodal point.
One major priority embraced by One Square Kilometer of Education in Neubrandenburg is designing the transitions between child day care centers, primary and secondary schools, and strengthening language skills. The work of the Pedagogic Workshop focuses here primarily on supporting the educational specialists and teachers involved.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports km2 of Education in Neubrandenburg as a local model, so as to enable educationalists to support and assist children on a cross-school basis.

km2 of Education in Wuppertal, Alte Feuerwache

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Wuppertal, all activities of the Pedagogic Workshop can be continued in the continuation phase.
The Pedagogic Workshop focuses on promoting language acquisition and reading skills as well as individualized learning support. Reading clubs and multilingual read-aloud programs are just as much a part of this as homework support and open leisure activities. With km2 of Education in Wuppertal, the Freudenberg Foundation supports a local model to enable children from all backgrounds to get on and progress in the education system using language as the more

Eva Somrei
Director Pedagogic Workshop

We are proactively endeavoring to promote educational opportunities in the district.

km2 of Education in Wuppertal, Alte Feuerwache

After the end of the One Square Kilometer of Education program in Wuppertal, all activities of the Pedagogic Workshop can be continued in the continuation phase.
The Pedagogic Workshop focuses on promoting language acquisition and reading skills as well as individualized learning support. Reading clubs and multilingual read-aloud programs are just as much a part of this as homework support and open leisure activities.

With km2 of Education in Wuppertal, the Freudenberg Foundation supports a local model to enable children from all backgrounds to get on and progress in the education system using language as the key.

km2 of Education Meerane, Meerane town

One Square Kilometer of Education Meerane is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions. Based on the perceived local needs, and with the Pedagogic Workshop at the heart of its operations, it helps children optimize their own personal educational biographies.
Meerane was set up as a program location in 2020, with the primary goal of countering the segregation trends that characterize the local educational infrastructure and are caused by a marked increase in private-sector institutions. Accordingly, the Meerane program focuses mainly on increasing participation in the educational processes and on supporting educational institutions and children’s and young people’s facilities in developing new cooperative more

Stefanie Trinks

We coordinate, support and promote the commitment of our local education stakeholders. We make the best possible use of existing competencies and resources and develop new concepts to give all children the best possible opportunities for education.

km2 of Education Meerane, Meerane town

One Square Kilometer of Education Meerane is a network of public and private-sector educational institutions. Based on the perceived local needs, and with the Pedagogic Workshop at the heart of its operations, it helps children optimize their own personal educational biographies.
Meerane was set up as a program location in 2020, with the primary goal of countering the segregation trends that characterize the local educational infrastructure and are caused by a marked increase in private-sector institutions. Accordingly, the Meerane program focuses mainly on increasing participation in the educational processes and on supporting educational institutions and children’s and young people’s facilities in developing new cooperative projects.

By subsidizing km2 of Education Meerane, the Freudenberg Foundation is supporting a local model with the aims of achieving more equitable education opportunities for all children and young people (not least in the rural areas of East Germany) and of closing social divisions.

Language-training programs "Griffbereit" and "Rucksack"

The "Griffbereit", "Rucksack Kita" and "School Rucksack" programs foster coherently coordinated language-learning for children growing up in a multilingual environment, by incorporating as an essential element the languages of their families/origins and focusing on empowerment and the involvement of the families concerned.
The longitudinal study conducted by Hamburg University has shown that the School Rucksack program encourages balanced bilingual capabilities. In addition, it alleviates the effects of social origins on linguistic skills and strengthens the practical efficacy of the language training, particularly in German. Currently, language survey instruments for primary schools are being developed at the University of Vienna on the basis of the data collected. The more

Kristina Krieft
Coordinator (NRW) Rucksack School

Rucksack School is a program for elementary school children, which combines teaching and school development with continuous language education and which actively involves families/parents within the framework of educational partnerships.

Language-training programs "Griffbereit" and "Rucksack"

The "Griffbereit", "Rucksack Kita" and "School Rucksack" programs foster coherently coordinated language-learning for children growing up in a multilingual environment, by incorporating as an essential element the languages of their families/origins and focusing on empowerment and the involvement of the families concerned.
The longitudinal study conducted by Hamburg University has shown that the School Rucksack program encourages balanced bilingual capabilities. In addition, it alleviates the effects of social origins on linguistic skills and strengthens the practical efficacy of the language training, particularly in German. Currently, language survey instruments for primary schools are being developed at the University of Vienna on the basis of the data collected.

The Freudenberg Foundation, in conjunction with the State Coordination Office of the North Rhine-Westphalian Municipal Integration Centers (LaKI NRW), helps to progress "Griffbereit" and "Rucksack", so as to enable all children to enjoy contemporary language-learning of proven efficacy.

Learning-Practice Workshop, Job Central

The Learning-Practice Workshop prepares young people with a refugee background for (re-)entering the workplace world, even if they cannot as yet meet the formal requirements of school and vocational training options. The particular focus here is on young adult refugees.
The Learning-Practice Workshop aims to determine and improve the competences of the participants in terms of both vocational practice and soft skills. In its own workshop, and outside it as well, charitable tasks are pursued and products with a real value created. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Learning-Practice Workshop with funds of the Sternbach Stiftung so as to fill gaps in the state regulatory system and open the door to the labor and more

Ante Rašić
Project Manager

Learning practice workshop – a low-threshold option designed to prepare young people for the training and job markets

Learning-Practice Workshop, Job Central

The Learning-Practice Workshop prepares young people with a refugee background for (re-)entering the workplace world, even if they cannot as yet meet the formal requirements of school and vocational training options. The particular focus here is on young adult refugees.
The Learning-Practice Workshop aims to determine and improve the competences of the participants in terms of both vocational practice and soft skills. In its own workshop, and outside it as well, charitable tasks are pursued and products with a real value created.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Learning-Practice Workshop with funds of the Sternbach Stiftung so as to fill gaps in the state regulatory system and open the door to the labor and education market still further for young refugees.

Living multilingualism!, RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The goal of the "Living multilingualism!" model project is to ensure that the Ready-to-Hand and Child Day Care Center Rucksack language-training and family education programs are being more widely adopted throughout Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
The programs foster coherently coordinated language-learning for children growing up in a multilingual environment, by incorporating as an essential element the languages of their families/origins and focusing on empowerment and the involvement of the families concerned. The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting "Living multilingualism!", in order to enable all children to enjoy contemporary, non-discriminatory language-learning and to foster awareness more

Dr. Claudia Seele
Project Manager

Multilingualism is a treasure. With our project "Living multilingualism!" we want to support families with and without migration background as well as institutions of early childhood education to empower young children in all their languages and to recognize and develop multilingualism as a resource.

Living multilingualism!, RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The goal of the "Living multilingualism!" model project is to ensure that the Ready-to-Hand and Child Day Care Center Rucksack language-training and family education programs are being more widely adopted throughout Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
The programs foster coherently coordinated language-learning for children growing up in a multilingual environment, by incorporating as an essential element the languages of their families/origins and focusing on empowerment and the involvement of the families concerned.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting "Living multilingualism!", in order to enable all children to enjoy contemporary, non-discriminatory language-learning and to foster awareness of and responsiveness to diversity among staff in educational institutions.

Local art projects

With nationwide art projects, the Freudenberg Foundation aims to provide access to art for children and young people, particularly from families living in poverty, but also for neighborhoods facing critical challenges. Our associates trial empowering and inclusion-driven artistic approaches, frequently in collaboration with educational institutions.
At the Foundation's domicile, Weinheim, the art projects are part of the local educational chain, which aims to create good development opportunities for all children and young people, from child day care center right through to their career. Projects are also repeatedly implemented in collaboration with Sinti and Roma organizations. In light of the Russia-Ukraine war, the "Peace Talks" campaign took place at what used to be a NATO arsenal, deploying more

Local art projects

With nationwide art projects, the Freudenberg Foundation aims to provide access to art for children and young people, particularly from families living in poverty, but also for neighborhoods facing critical challenges. Our associates trial empowering and inclusion-driven artistic approaches, frequently in collaboration with educational institutions.
At the Foundation's domicile, Weinheim, the art projects are part of the local educational chain, which aims to create good development opportunities for all children and young people, from child day care center right through to their career. Projects are also repeatedly implemented in collaboration with Sinti and Roma organizations.
In light of the Russia-Ukraine war, the "Peace Talks" campaign took place at what used to be a NATO arsenal, deploying artistic means in order to encourage people to talk to each other and approach each other with an open mind.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting these art projects because art can be instrumental in helping people strengthen their personalities, in mitigating conflicts and bringing people together.

RAA Berlin

The Regional Center for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA) Berlin develops and supports participation projects in schools, school environments and municipalities, so as to strengthen educational fairness and social participation.
The options offered by the RAA Berlin are aimed at everyone involved in the educational process, and subsume youth work at schools, counseling and advanced training of pedagogic specialists, working with parents, and language support programs. Particular cornerstones of its work include diversity-driven counseling and organizational development, the Roma School Mediation and the Rucksack program. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Berlin, more

Katja Kinder
Managing Director

The RAA Berlin is an independent agency that first and foremost stands for educational equality. Our goal is to make educational processes inclusive and accessible. We achieve this by understanding these processes as socio-political work and reflecting them in a manner that is diversity-oriented and critical of discrimination. This requires a diverse team with a wide variety of perspectives, experiences and approaches. Our work shows: We achieve educational equality by looking at educational pathways with a critical stance toward discrimination and with people who adequately reflect the diversity of our society.

RAA Berlin

The Regional Center for Education, Integration and Democracy (RAA) Berlin develops and supports participation projects in schools, school environments and municipalities, so as to strengthen educational fairness and social participation.
The options offered by the RAA Berlin are aimed at everyone involved in the educational process, and subsume youth work at schools, counseling and advanced training of pedagogic specialists, working with parents, and language support programs. Particular cornerstones of its work include diversity-driven counseling and organizational development, the Roma School Mediation and the Rucksack program.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Berlin, because it is committed to providing long-term support for educational institutions in their endeavors to assist all children and young people in developing their potentials.

RAA Brandenburg

RAA Brandenburg are an advisory and support agency for a heterogeneous, diverse and democratic society. They offer training, advice and process support for multipliers in the state of Brandenburg, e.g. for schools, daycare centers, administrations and volunteers.
The RAA Brandenburg work regionally in six offices and three km2 of Education. The work is complemented by state-wide projects and programs such as the Department for Islam, the state coordination School against Racism - School with Courage or Mother-Tongue Teaching. The Freudenberg Foundation supports RAA Brandenburg in order to strengthen and disseminate an inclusive and democratic culture at educational institutions with the help of multipliers. more

Miriam Apffelstaedt
Managing Director

RAA Brandenburg is committed to a democratic, diverse and just society in Brandenburg. We offer consulting, training and process support for institutions and civil society actors.

RAA Brandenburg

RAA Brandenburg are an advisory and support agency for a heterogeneous, diverse and democratic society. They offer training, advice and process support for multipliers in the state of Brandenburg, e.g. for schools, daycare centers, administrations and volunteers.
The RAA Brandenburg work regionally in six offices and three km2 of Education. The work is complemented by state-wide projects and programs such as the Department for Islam, the state coordination School against Racism - School with Courage or Mother-Tongue Teaching.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports RAA Brandenburg in order to strengthen and disseminate an inclusive and democratic culture at educational institutions with the help of multipliers.

RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

The RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony is a partner for local educational facilities with the aim of strengthening the education, democratic awareness and life prospects of young people through networking and project work.
In schools, the RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony initiates and conducts projects on education in democracy, human rights and political/historical issues, and provides support for career orientation. Another focus is promoting respect for immigrants and fostering intercultural competence. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony, because in structurally weak areas it is all the more important to keep democratic culture alive. more

Helga Nickich

With our work, we aim to shape education and democracy as fundamental cornerstones of our society!

RAA Hoyerswerda/East Saxony

The RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony is a partner for local educational facilities with the aim of strengthening the education, democratic awareness and life prospects of young people through networking and project work.
In schools, the RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony initiates and conducts projects on education in democracy, human rights and political/historical issues, and provides support for career orientation. Another focus is promoting respect for immigrants and fostering intercultural competence.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Hoyerswerda / East Saxony, because in structurally weak areas it is all the more important to keep democratic culture alive.

RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania develops and supports on a state-wide basis projects for educational work with children and young people, so as to strengthen democratic culture and social cohesion in schools, youth work and the community.
The numerous school projects supported by the RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania include dissemination of the teaching/learning approach Learning by Involvement, the promotion of acquiring the neighboring country’s language in the German-Polish border region, plus options for children and young people with a refugee background. The Freudenberg Foundation supports die RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, so that children and young people in schools and more

Christian Utpatel
Managing Director

We see our biggest challenge as supporting the development of a living democratic culture in schools and communities in rural areas.

RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania develops and supports on a state-wide basis projects for educational work with children and young people, so as to strengthen democratic culture and social cohesion in schools, youth work and the community.
The numerous school projects supported by the RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania include dissemination of the teaching/learning approach Learning by Involvement, the promotion of acquiring the neighboring country’s language in the German-Polish border region, plus options for children and young people with a refugee background.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports die RAA Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, so that children and young people in schools and school environments, regardless of their milieu and origins, take on board democratic thought and action, and receive equal access to education.

RAA Saxony

The RAA Saxony campaigns for a democratic society with programs in the fields of education, victim counseling, and local trialing of new models throughout the state.
Besides lobbying and committee work, the RAA Saxony also focuses on counseling and support for victims of right-wing-motivated and racist violence. In the field of education, multipliers for an inclusive, open community are trained in peer leadership and intercultural sensitivity. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Saxony, because for disseminating and anchoring democratic culture it needs a potent local motor and network node for both more

Robert Kusche
Managing Director

The RAA Sachsen e.V. is a dependable partner for democracy and integration in Saxony. We proactively and responsively campaign for the concerns of the victims of right-wing violence. We provide municipalities with cogently creative local schemes, and communicate democratic values and human rights with our educational options. With innovative projects, we organize participation opportunities and provide a critical voice in the public debate.

RAA Saxony

The RAA Saxony campaigns for a democratic society with programs in the fields of education, victim counseling, and local trialing of new models throughout the state.
Besides lobbying and committee work, the RAA Saxony also focuses on counseling and support for victims of right-wing-motivated and racist violence. In the field of education, multipliers for an inclusive, open community are trained in peer leadership and intercultural sensitivity.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the RAA Saxony, because for disseminating and anchoring democratic culture it needs a potent local motor and network node for both preventive and interventional capabilities.

Rolf Engelbrecht Prize

The Rolf Engelbrecht Prize is awarded to individuals and initiatives in Weinheim that campaign for equitable co-existence in a democratic urban society.
In memory of Rolf Engelbrecht, a Weinheim-based lawyer whose licence to practise had been withdrawn by the Nazi bureaucrats, who fled to his mother in the Netherlands in 1942 and was the first freely elected mayor of Weinheim after the Second World War, Weinheim Town Council, the Weinheim Community Foundation and the Freudenberg Foundation award the prize, worth 2,000 euros, every two years. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Rolf Engelbrecht more

Christoph Engelbrecht

My father Rolf Engelbrecht, born in Alsace, graduated from high school in Holland, persecuted during the Third Reich, was elected Lord Mayor by Weinheim’s citizens in 1948. From his eventful experience, mutual understanding between peoples and cultures became one of his paramount goals in life. The town of Weinheim has meritoriously taken this mindset on board by awarding a Rolf Engelbrecht Prize.

Rolf Engelbrecht Prize

The Rolf Engelbrecht Prize is awarded to individuals and initiatives in Weinheim that campaign for equitable co-existence in a democratic urban society.
In memory of Rolf Engelbrecht, a Weinheim-based lawyer whose licence to practise had been withdrawn by the Nazi bureaucrats, who fled to his mother in the Netherlands in 1942 and was the first freely elected mayor of Weinheim after the Second World War, Weinheim Town Council, the Weinheim Community Foundation and the Freudenberg Foundation award the prize, worth 2,000 euros, every two years.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Rolf Engelbrecht Prize, so as to publicize democratic civil-societal commitment on the spot, and to encourage emulation and involvement.

Roma school mediation Dortmund,

The goal of the cooperation agreement between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dortmund City Council and the Freudenberg Foundation is to trial the deployment of Roma school mediators in Dortmund’s northern district, to progress this approach and anchor it in the long term.
Roma school mediation wants to build a bridge between teachers, parents and pupils, so as to improve the educational opportunities of children and young people with a Romno background. The mediators support the pupils in the classroom environment and outside school as well, keep in contact with their families, and mediate in the event of any conflict or information shortfalls between school and parents. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Roma more

Christine Speiser
Project Manager

With the project "Vast vasteste - Hand in Hand" we want to structurally improve the equal participation of pupils from Roma families in education and promote a holistic, resource-oriented view on every child. The Roma school mediators, who are part of the multi-professional team at the project schools, act as role models and confidants and thus offer the families a new opportunity for orientation.

Roma school mediation Dortmund,

The goal of the cooperation agreement between the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Dortmund City Council and the Freudenberg Foundation is to trial the deployment of Roma school mediators in Dortmund’s northern district, to progress this approach and anchor it in the long term.
Roma school mediation wants to build a bridge between teachers, parents and pupils, so as to improve the educational opportunities of children and young people with a Romno background. The mediators support the pupils in the classroom environment and outside school as well, keep in contact with their families, and mediate in the event of any conflict or information shortfalls between school and parents.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Roma school mediation in Dortmund, in order to stand up for equitable educational opportunities for all adolescents and combat antiziganist discrimination, together with the city and the state.

Roma School Mediation, RAA Berlin

The Roma School Mediation in the districts of Berlin-Central, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Lichtenberg aims to build a bridge between teachers, parents and pupils, so as to improve the educational chances of children and young people with a Romno background.
The mediators support the pupils inside and outside the classroom, remain in contact with their families, and in the event of conflicts or a need for information arbitrate between the school’s staff and the parental home. The program focuses on continuous advanced training and further skilling of the mediators. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Roma School Mediation, so as to contribute towards an inclusive school environment, in which more

Sabina Salimovska
School Mediator

When you support access to education for a Roma child, you’re supporting the inclusion of all children. The Roma School Mediators are tasked with supporting this process.

Roma School Mediation, RAA Berlin

The Roma School Mediation in the districts of Berlin-Central, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Lichtenberg aims to build a bridge between teachers, parents and pupils, so as to improve the educational chances of children and young people with a Romno background.
The mediators support the pupils inside and outside the classroom, remain in contact with their families, and in the event of conflicts or a need for information arbitrate between the school’s staff and the parental home. The program focuses on continuous advanced training and further skilling of the mediators.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Roma School Mediation, so as to contribute towards an inclusive school environment, in which discrimination-entailed educational disadvantages are offset by responsively tailored high-quality options.

Rudolf Freudenberg Prize, bag if

Every year, the Rudolf Freudenberg Prize is awarded in recognition of innovative business ideas from inclusion-driven companies, so as to draw attention to the fact that the vocational inclusion of people with disabilities and mental illnesses is possible and harbors potentials and opportunities for employers as well.
Worth 5,000 euros, the prize commemorates the social psychiatrist Dr. Rudolf Freudenberg, who in the Nazi era had to emigrate to England, and is regarded as the pioneer for work-oriented reform of psychiatry. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Rudolf Freudenberg Prize, so as to raise the awareness levels of companies, and of society as a whole for the vocational inclusion of people with disabilities. more

Claudia Rustige
Managing Director

We stand for a form of social entrepreneurship in which it’s normal to be different, and demonstrate that inclusion of people with disabilities is possible in the workplace environment.

Rudolf Freudenberg Prize, bag if

Every year, the Rudolf Freudenberg Prize is awarded in recognition of innovative business ideas from inclusion-driven companies, so as to draw attention to the fact that the vocational inclusion of people with disabilities and mental illnesses is possible and harbors potentials and opportunities for employers as well.
Worth 5,000 euros, the prize commemorates the social psychiatrist Dr. Rudolf Freudenberg, who in the Nazi era had to emigrate to England, and is regarded as the pioneer for work-oriented reform of psychiatry.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Rudolf Freudenberg Prize, so as to raise the awareness levels of companies, and of society as a whole for the vocational inclusion of people with disabilities.

School for Inclusion, MIOS

The MIOS school network cooperates with numerous schools in Tuzla (BiH), so as to to ensure that they develop an inclusive assistance culture and in particular enable socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people to be given adequate support.
The approaches being established for this purpose include service-learning and Roma school mediation. The elementary school in Kiseljak, to which the Freudenberg Foundation, in conjunction with the Tuzla Community Foundation, has shown a long-standing commitment, is also part of this network. The cooperation with MIOS is currently focusing on the transfer of One Square Kilometer of Education, by establishing educational partnerships centered around schools more

Edina Malkić

Our work is anchored in the belief that the path towards a democratic, inclusive and economically strong society lies in an education that nurtures and reflects those values in daily interaction with every child and their families. Connection with universal human needs is the essence of the pedagogical approach to teaching and learning of all stakeholders involved.

School for Inclusion, MIOS

The MIOS school network cooperates with numerous schools in Tuzla (BiH), so as to to ensure that they develop an inclusive assistance culture and in particular enable socio-economically disadvantaged children and young people to be given adequate support.
The approaches being established for this purpose include service-learning and Roma school mediation. The elementary school in Kiseljak, to which the Freudenberg Foundation, in conjunction with the Tuzla Community Foundation, has shown a long-standing commitment, is also part of this network. The cooperation with MIOS is currently focusing on the transfer of One Square Kilometer of Education, by establishing educational partnerships centered around schools and setting up Pedagogic Workshops.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting MIOS with the aim of permanently anchoring high-quality, democratic and community-focused education in Tuzla’s schools, thus improving the future prospects of all children and young people.

Skopje Association Center for Educational Support of Children

The Dendo Vas Education Center in Skopje aims by means of school-concurrent support and the provision of school material to upgrade the educational opportunities of socially disadvantaged children.
The activities concerned are aimed particularly at the children of the local Roma families who are in an especially weak financial position and are affected by social exclusion. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Dendo Vas Education Center, so as at a place with difficult starting conditions to make a contribution towards a socially inclusive school life. more

Zaklina Durmis

Equal opportunities for everyone in the education, personal efforts and self- investment are a prerequisite for a better life.

Skopje Association Center for Educational Support of Children

The Dendo Vas Education Center in Skopje aims by means of school-concurrent support and the provision of school material to upgrade the educational opportunities of socially disadvantaged children.
The activities concerned are aimed particularly at the children of the local Roma families who are in an especially weak financial position and are affected by social exclusion.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Dendo Vas Education Center, so as at a place with difficult starting conditions to make a contribution towards a socially inclusive school life.

The One Square Kilometer of Education Foundation

Local educational networks improve the educational opportunities of children and young people in districts afflicted by poverty. In five of the German states, the Pedagogic Workshops of the One Square Kilometer of Education Foundation support the managers of schools and child day care centers, educational specialists, parents and voluntary helpers in jointly developing practical, specially tailored solutions on site.
Their endeavors focus on the transitions between the various stages of education and types of institution. Gaps in the educational support chain are addressed and eliminated, and inclusive education options put in place. Shared responsibility for good education creates social trust, equal participation opportunities and recognition of diversity – permanently changing life in a district, not only for children and young people but for everyone. The more

Katharina Lezius
Managing Director

Our goal is to ensure that all children and young people, irrespective of their origins, get off to a good start in their educational careers, thus enabling them to determine the course of their own lives. It is a source of satisfaction for me to breathe life into this mission, together with the team of the One km2 of Education Foundation and my colleagues out in the schools and facilities.

The One Square Kilometer of Education Foundation

Local educational networks improve the educational opportunities of children and young people in districts afflicted by poverty. In five of the German states, the Pedagogic Workshops of the One Square Kilometer of Education Foundation support the managers of schools and child day care centers, educational specialists, parents and voluntary helpers in jointly developing practical, specially tailored solutions on site.
Their endeavors focus on the transitions between the various stages of education and types of institution. Gaps in the educational support chain are addressed and eliminated, and inclusive education options put in place. Shared responsibility for good education creates social trust, equal participation opportunities and recognition of diversity – permanently changing life in a district, not only for children and young people but for everyone.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting the One Square Kilometer of Education Foundation, using its tried-and-tested approach to help create more educational fairness in disadvantaged social environments nationwide.

The Strong Pupils Foundation Initiative

The "Badische Bergstrasse Strong Pupils" Foundation Initiative (SISS) aims to help young people discover their talents and special interests, and gain more self-confidence and positive group experiences.
The program for Grades 6 to 9 comprises workshops and outings, whose topics are planned together with the participants and considered in detail in both one-to-one conversations and group discussions. Another vital constituent is the mentoring system. Under this scheme, two young people agree to learn and work together on a permanent basis for their mutual benefit. The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting the "Strong Pupils" Foundation Initiative with more

Johannes Fauser
Project Manager

Many people find it hard to discover their own strengths, and the interests and talents they never knew they had. The program offers additional support here, above and beyond family, friends and school.

The Strong Pupils Foundation Initiative

The "Badische Bergstrasse Strong Pupils" Foundation Initiative (SISS) aims to help young people discover their talents and special interests, and gain more self-confidence and positive group experiences.
The program for Grades 6 to 9 comprises workshops and outings, whose topics are planned together with the participants and considered in detail in both one-to-one conversations and group discussions. Another vital constituent is the mentoring system. Under this scheme, two young people agree to learn and work together on a permanent basis for their mutual benefit.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting the "Strong Pupils" Foundation Initiative with funding from the Sternbach Foundation, in order to strengthen adolescents in their personal, social and scholastic development, thus helping them achieve successful (educational) biographies.

Trainees inform pupils, Job Central

The “Trainees inform pupils” project aims to enable young people to pass on at first hand their experiences on the path to training and a job to their peers.
The informational and mutual-feedback events are held in the classroom, and are accompanied by preparatory and review sessions, with chairing provided. The focus here is on the individual perspectives of the young people in regard to their experiences in the job application process, in the firm, and in vocational college. The Freudenberg Foundation supports "Trainees inform pupils" with funds from the Sternbach Foundation, because mutual feedback on more

Johannes Fauser
Project Manager

The series of events has established itself as a permanent constituent of school-centered career pathway planning. Young people map out perspectives within the framework of a peer-to-peer involvement and communicate insights into and information on secondary schools and about the vocational and workplace worlds.

Trainees inform pupils, Job Central

The “Trainees inform pupils” project aims to enable young people to pass on at first hand their experiences on the path to training and a job to their peers.
The informational and mutual-feedback events are held in the classroom, and are accompanied by preparatory and review sessions, with chairing provided. The focus here is on the individual perspectives of the young people in regard to their experiences in the job application process, in the firm, and in vocational college.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports "Trainees inform pupils" with funds from the Sternbach Foundation, because mutual feedback on an equal footing, and based on real experiences, takes young people seriously and enables them to plan their own career paths themselves.

Vocational Training Association, ikubiz

The ikubiz Vocational Training Association aims to place young people with disadvantageous starting conditions in training, and for this purpose to bring on board small and mid-tier enterprises as training companies.
The Vocational Training Association is a coordination center for the companies and trainees involved, the contact point for all questions relating to vocational training, and a provider of external advanced training opportunities. Its activities are designed to assist the young people and to strengthen the small and mid-tier enterprises and the regional market for skilled personnel. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Vocational Training more

Monika Münch

We strengthen the commitment of the self-employed from the migrant economy to sandwich courses and securing a supply of appropriately skilled job applicants. Together, we identify and foster potentials, and render diversity visible.

Vocational Training Association, ikubiz

The ikubiz Vocational Training Association aims to place young people with disadvantageous starting conditions in training, and for this purpose to bring on board small and mid-tier enterprises as training companies.
The Vocational Training Association is a coordination center for the companies and trainees involved, the contact point for all questions relating to vocational training, and a provider of external advanced training opportunities. Its activities are designed to assist the young people and to strengthen the small and mid-tier enterprises and the regional market for skilled personnel.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Vocational Training Association, so as to give an opportunity for professional training to those young people whose profiles at first glance do not match most firms’ ideal wish list.

Weinheimer Initiative

The Weinheimer Initiative Working Group is a nationwide alliance of more than 20 cities and counties that aim to enable transition between the school environment and the workplace world to be successfully achieved thanks to municipal coordination.
In the municipalities involved, local community oversight groups join forces to design good practice in the fields of vocational training and career planning. In specialized working groups, the Weinheimer Initiative develops approaches for relevant ongoing problems, and engages in fruitful mutual feedback with partners from the academic community and practitioners. The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Weinheimer Initiative, in order to continually more

Dr. Wilfried Kruse

Municipal coordination and local responsibility-sharing for successful educational biographies – that’s how I see the Weinheimer Initiative Working Group.

Weinheimer Initiative

The Weinheimer Initiative Working Group is a nationwide alliance of more than 20 cities and counties that aim to enable transition between the school environment and the workplace world to be successfully achieved thanks to municipal coordination.
In the municipalities involved, local community oversight groups join forces to design good practice in the fields of vocational training and career planning. In specialized working groups, the Weinheimer Initiative develops approaches for relevant ongoing problems, and engages in fruitful mutual feedback with partners from the academic community and practitioners.

The Freudenberg Foundation supports the Weinheimer Initiative, in order to continually provide municipalities with fresh stimuli for further developing local community oversight groups in the fields of education and vocational training.

WIB.Diversity, Weissensee Integration Firms (WIB)

The WIB.Diversity project of the Weißensee Integration Firms aims to boost diversity in these companies' work with mentally ill people. It does so by focusing their attention not only on people with a migration and refugee background but also on other groups in need of support.
The long-term, cross-division transformation and development process is intended to open up further support options for people with a migration background and to continually monitor attitudes, structures and everyday behavior patterns throughout the network, with a view to achieving the successful inclusion of all people. The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting WIB.Diversity so as to counter multiple discrimination especially against people with mental more

Gudula Lühle
Managing director

Many of the people we support in our companies have been subjected to stigmatization. Frequently this becomes internalized, putting them under additional strain. We want to break this vicious circle through empowerment – by comprehensively boosting their confidence levels.

WIB.Diversity, Weissensee Integration Firms (WIB)

The WIB.Diversity project of the Weißensee Integration Firms aims to boost diversity in these companies' work with mentally ill people. It does so by focusing their attention not only on people with a migration and refugee background but also on other groups in need of support.
The long-term, cross-division transformation and development process is intended to open up further support options for people with a migration background and to continually monitor attitudes, structures and everyday behavior patterns throughout the network, with a view to achieving the successful inclusion of all people.

The Freudenberg Foundation is supporting WIB.Diversity so as to counter multiple discrimination especially against people with mental illnesses, and to give everyone the prospect of social participation.